Sunday, September 6, 2009


Our new pets. Uncle Wally bought each of the girls a bird while he was here visiting. So far they have been pretty quiet. Kado, our Husky, still thinks we got them for him. We originally went to Petco because Katelyn thought that we were going to get a puppy. Hmm..I don't think so. Ashley wanted a frog but we decide against that because she would have to leave it alone and not play with it. Ashley is constantly outside "hunting" for frogs. It seems like every day we have a tote full of frogs. We have a new catch and release policy at our house, instead of fish it is frogs. She and her friend catch them in the area around our home. After we decided that a frog and puppy were out of the question, we proceeded to the hamsters. Well mommy is allergic to timothy hay and the hamsters so that was a no go. So they decided to each get a bird. Katelyn's is almost completely white so she named it Marshmallow. Ashley’s is the white and blue bird that she named Katieanna.

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