Monday, September 21, 2009

Love my husband, HATE deployments

I love my husband but HATE (yes that is a strong word, but correct) deployments!!! I am very proud to be an Army wife, and love that my husband is an awesome soldier. No I do not wish that he was a like those soldiers that dont do anything, whom no one can count on. Although at times I am sure I have said that but that was in anger that it has to be my husband that goes out in the middle of the night to get the above soldier out of a bar. That is has to be my husband that everyone knows will go beyond the call of duty to do his job and those of others that could care less. I am so proud of my husband, proud that my husband is a stand up man, an outstanding soldier, amazing father and incredible husband!! I will suppost my husband in his career no matter what he decides to do. I will stand behind as he stands protecting our freedom. There is nothing that would make me stop loving him.

I just want to say thank you Ben. Thank you for everything that you have sacrificed for our family, for our country. I promise to make your sacrifice well worth it, just hurry home!!

I love you

1 comment:

Book Worm said...

I'm so glad he's home and it's over! Congrats on making it through. Your children are precious and we can't wait to see you.